Monday 2 December 2013

Thinking About It

Thinking About It
9" x 12"  acrylic on canvas
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, about art and painting, subject matter and next steps. Some days I think that I should paint larger, or paint figures, or just paint subjects that come easily, or paint differently, and so on.

I did a series of figure drawings last winter, that I really liked. They were done in an open life class, and were essentially blind contours. In other words I looked at the model but did not look at the drawing or paper as I drew.
The resulting figures were slightly distorted and abstract.

Since then I have been trying to figure out how I can use them in a painting, or paint them, and maintain the qualities I like. After many starts that were soon whited out, I decided on a small format, and am (finally) pleased with some of the paintings. Above is the first one with the drawing below.  Your comments would be very welcome!

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